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Threadless t-shirt concept: Iguana


Please go to this link and like my design for Threadless 🙂 approval is pending so stay tuned for the voting to begin! 🙂 🙂 

T-shirt Design Survey – Cytrose

For the T-shirt design business I am involved in we have put up an online survey to not only do some market research but also to enable you to have a say in our initial designs!!!

bird mushroom design
Don’t forget to enter in your name and email to go in the running to win a free t-shirt with your own design!!!

New T-shirt Designs!!!

Lately, I have been busy creating new T-shirt designs for my new business Cytrose, which I created with my friend.  At the moment we are working hard to make the website and of course organising to get T-shirts to print on!

Here are a sample of the possible designs:

coffee stain design  fish design   owl design

two punk design   punk green design   punk outline design

You can find the Cytrose Blog and more T-shirt designs at:

T-shirt Designs

Here are a few t-shirt designs which I have made.  You can find them and more at my new website at !!!  More are coming soon!!

collection of t-shirt designs

T-Shirt Design

Currently I am working on T-shirt designs.  This is the first design I am working on:

T-Shirt Design

If you wanted a T-Shirt designed or any other designs contact me at

design on shirt